Why is it so complicated?
When I was 14 I began dating. Well, at first I didn't know what it was. I thought I was going to movies and hanging out at the mall with a guy. At this age it never occured to me to put a title on what was happening. I was just hanging out and having fun. It was all very easy. I remember there was nothing to it. I was just being asked if I wanted to go to and do something. Now, fast forward to my 33rd year and things have gotten a little more tricky. I thought at twenty I had the whole dating thing licked because I got married. From that point on I would forever have someone to got to the movies and dinner with. I didn't have to try and navigate the single life. At twenty seven I found myself alone. My permanent date decided the party was over and it was time to move on. So, I was tossed back into the world of dating again. However, now things have changed. It wasn't as easy as it used to be. Somehow over the years there were new rules to the game. The competition was more agressive and I was out of practice. Then there is the question of where do you look? You can go online and try to be matched up based on personality or interests. I recently heard you could meet someone by going to an event where you stared at each other for three minutes or you could arrange to meet someone on your next flight. The alternatives are endless and exhausting. Then if you meet someone how do you know if he's just not that in to you? Some guys play the friend card with you and give you false hope. How do you spot those guys? Some want to give dataing a chance others want to kiss it goodbye. What's a girl to do? I'm still hoping that UPS will deliver Mr. Right directly to my front door. Ok, that's gonna be a long wait I know. Yet, what happened to the days of just hanging out and having fun? When things didn't have to be defined. When things didn't have to be so messy. At what point did it get so complicated?
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