Heylala's Blah, Blah, Blah

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd. No, fly me, fly me, far as pole from pole; Rise Alps between us! and whole oceans roll! Ah, come not, write not, think not once of me, Nor share one pang of all I felt for thee. An excerpt from "Eloisa to Abelard" by Alexander Pope

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Faux Mance

Lately I’ve been hearing a lot of talk about a website called secondlife.com. Apparently, you can log on and create a whole fantasy life for yourself. I haven’t logged on and personally toured the site, but it is suppose to be a whole new world which includes its own currency. When I first heard about how popular this website was I thought it was kind of sad that people were so over their own day to day reality that they needed to build a new life in a fantasy world online. That was until recently when I realized I was involved a full blown faux-mance. If you watch reality television you’ve heard of the show-mance. Last year it was the love of the boys when Matthew McConaughey, Lance Armstrong and Jake Gyllenhaal became involved in a three way bro-mance. Now with the growing online community each of us can have our very own faux-mance. I’ve always considered myself a person who only deals in reality and have had little understanding of people that are escapists. Yet, as my real life romances seem to not be working my faux-mance is gaining more appeal. In the past few weeks some of my friends and I have been doing the online dating thing. There have been some success stories but mostly not so successful stories. Just last night one of my friends was out on a first date with a total jerk. He basically ran off without saying goodbye and then had the nerve to email her this morning and say she was a good catch for someone besides him and wanted to know if she had any friends she could set him up with. Some people have nerve. As I thought about it I realized that my faux-mance might be where it’s at. If my current faux relationship was real I would be married with three kids living part time in Florida and part time in New York. I would also have a husband who is absolutely gorgeous with amazing blue eyes and the ability to flatter you with his Italian. He calls me bella. In a word it would be perfect. Did I mention we are going to honeymoon for a month in Italy? My sister asked me recently if I thought my faux husband was cheating with other ladies online. I told her probably so, but since this is not reality I’ll just pretend I’m his only one because it’s not real and it doesn’t matter. The thing is we live in a world with tons of fakes or knock offs. We’ve got fake Coach purses, fake hair color, fake sugar (splenda anyone?) and even fake fat (they still make olestra). Even so called reality television is scripted. It seems like the line between reality and fantasy is becoming more and more blurred. The down side is that sometimes the fantasy fades and you are left with a far less glamorous and no where near perfect reality. Then what do you do? However, the flip side is if it doesn’t work out in my faux-mance it doesn’t hurt like if it was a real break up. As for now all I can say is that I’m having fun and even though the words are real maybe the meaning or truth behind them may not be. I will tell you this for now it makes me smile and that is something I don’t have to fake.

Update-After my faux mance read this blog he got mad and we broke up. I guess reality finally got in the way!