Perfect Relationships
: 1per·fect Pronunciation: 'p&r-fikt1 a : being entirely without fault or defect : FLAWLESS
I read the following question recently in a book, what does the expression “perfect relationship” mean to you? Everyone knows that on this planet there is no such thing as a perfect relationship between two people. We all, whether we like or not, are flawed creatures. Sometimes I think it is the realization of our own personal flaws that keep us from getting involved in a romantic relationship. The idea in dating is to find someone who can accept you with all of your mistakes, failures and strange or annoying habits. Yet, we live in a culture where imperfection is nipped, tucked, injected with Botox or sent to rehab to fix it. We live in a society that wants to be perfect. The truth is making mistakes and failing is not fun. However, it seems we tend to learn way more from our mistakes than in our victories. So, when it comes to relationships do we come in wanting perfection? We know that when we are in the initial honeymoon stages of dating that we want to come across as wonderful and perfect as we can. Eventually, that stuff fades away and we start to see glimpses of who the other person really is. This can be a scary time. It becomes a time when you start to evaluate the other person and contemplate are their liabilities outweighing their assets. Most of us dating folks probably have a checklist of things we want either written down or in our minds. We also most likely have a deal breakers list too. That list contains the things that would cause a relationship to end. Dating and relating can be an endless task of checks and balances with the hopes of a bright future on the horizon. I think it is wise to ask what does this person bring to the table and what flaws can I live with? Figuring those things out early on can save you a ton of heart break down the road. I have a friend who is trying to work things out with an ex boyfriend who when they broke up had changed his phone number without giving it to her, lied numerous times and then a week after they broke up moved his ex girlfriend and kids back in with him. I wonder how my friend can over look so many obvious break downs in a person’s character. I think for a lot of thirty something women some of us begin to think we have to settle. It’s this or it is nothing and being alone is worse than the anxiety of a bad relationship. The truth is perfection is an illusion. Flaws are inevitable, but settling for something out of fear, hopelessness or even desperation is regrettable. The world is full of all kinds of people. Find someone who loves you flaws and all and someone whose flaws make them even more endearing. Find the person who instead of making you ask can I live with this makes you ask could I live with out them?
I read the following question recently in a book, what does the expression “perfect relationship” mean to you? Everyone knows that on this planet there is no such thing as a perfect relationship between two people. We all, whether we like or not, are flawed creatures. Sometimes I think it is the realization of our own personal flaws that keep us from getting involved in a romantic relationship. The idea in dating is to find someone who can accept you with all of your mistakes, failures and strange or annoying habits. Yet, we live in a culture where imperfection is nipped, tucked, injected with Botox or sent to rehab to fix it. We live in a society that wants to be perfect. The truth is making mistakes and failing is not fun. However, it seems we tend to learn way more from our mistakes than in our victories. So, when it comes to relationships do we come in wanting perfection? We know that when we are in the initial honeymoon stages of dating that we want to come across as wonderful and perfect as we can. Eventually, that stuff fades away and we start to see glimpses of who the other person really is. This can be a scary time. It becomes a time when you start to evaluate the other person and contemplate are their liabilities outweighing their assets. Most of us dating folks probably have a checklist of things we want either written down or in our minds. We also most likely have a deal breakers list too. That list contains the things that would cause a relationship to end. Dating and relating can be an endless task of checks and balances with the hopes of a bright future on the horizon. I think it is wise to ask what does this person bring to the table and what flaws can I live with? Figuring those things out early on can save you a ton of heart break down the road. I have a friend who is trying to work things out with an ex boyfriend who when they broke up had changed his phone number without giving it to her, lied numerous times and then a week after they broke up moved his ex girlfriend and kids back in with him. I wonder how my friend can over look so many obvious break downs in a person’s character. I think for a lot of thirty something women some of us begin to think we have to settle. It’s this or it is nothing and being alone is worse than the anxiety of a bad relationship. The truth is perfection is an illusion. Flaws are inevitable, but settling for something out of fear, hopelessness or even desperation is regrettable. The world is full of all kinds of people. Find someone who loves you flaws and all and someone whose flaws make them even more endearing. Find the person who instead of making you ask can I live with this makes you ask could I live with out them?
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