Letting Go
Why is it so difficult to let go? So many times in life we tolerate things because we simply won't let go. I hate to say it, but ladies I think we are especially guilty of this. I have friends who can't let go of certain men in their life. After they have cheated, lied and told you out right that they are not interested in you, why hold on? We hold on to other things too, not just men. We have bad jobs, bad haircuts, outdated clothes and the list goes on. I will admit that I am guilty of this. I still have my wedding dress. The thing is I've been divorced for over six years. What am I holding on to? The dress is nothing I would wear now. My tastes have changed. Styles have changed. What's the point? I'm reminded of the cartoon character Pepe Le Pew. Remember how he always tried to hold on to the girl? Giving her kisses and telling her how fabulous their life would be. Her reaction? She ran away as fast as she could. It's the same way with people. When you try to hang on to them, they feel smothered, controlled and are ready to run away. The question is why do we tolerate things in our life that are unfulfilling? We hold on to people that won't return phone calls or emails. We put up with a house we no longer love or that is falling apart. Letting go of something is scary, but yet freeing at the same time. When it comes to letting go of relationships it's a little trickier. You can't just dispose of people when they don't meet your needs or hurt you in some way. However, we can give them space. Let them be who they are flaws and all and let go of our grip on them. Sometimes roles have to change. We have to be wise and mature enough to know when we have to change our relationships. I read a quote recently that said there is freedom in being the one to change. There is freedom in change. It's hard. It takes work. It takes struggle. Yet, getting on the other side of something we have worked through is so rewarding and fulfilling.
So, what do you have in your hands? What do you have your fists so tightly clenched around that you are trying to hold on to? How can we be free to take the hand of that next great boyfriend or job or anything if our hands are wrapped around something else? Be free. Take a risk. Let go.
So, what do you have in your hands? What do you have your fists so tightly clenched around that you are trying to hold on to? How can we be free to take the hand of that next great boyfriend or job or anything if our hands are wrapped around something else? Be free. Take a risk. Let go.
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