Elevator Talk
Currently I work in a building that requires me to ride the elevator to the 11th floor where my office is located. This is the first building that I have worked in that I had to take an elevator ride. (Yes, the stairs used to be an option, but since the doors are only unlocked on the inside of the actual floors I would have to keep knocking for someone to let me in.) People are interesting in this small space. There really isn’t any elevator etiquette that I am aware of. The thing is that it is weird to not talk to someone when they are standing in “your space”, but then it is awkward to talk to them too. You never know what people might say in the elevator. Most people just try to ignore you for the most part. No eye contact, move as close to the sides or back as possible. Stand up straight, tuck everything as close to you as you can and stare straight ahead is the normal look of elevator riders. Sometimes people are on their cell phones when they ride. That way they can ignore you without really appearing rude, they are just busy. I had a conversation recently with a guy who asked, whatever happened to elevator music? At least in the elevators I ride in there isn’t any music at all. I was thinking it would be cool if you could customize your elevator ride with music. It could be like a jukebox. There are six elevators in my building so there can be six different musical genres. You can ride in the country music elevator, the pop elevator or even the jazz one. There could possibly even be a karaoke elevator for those who are really brave. Ok, so these aren’t options currently. Then, what’s a girl to do? Am I rude if I ignore you in the elevator? Am I considered weird if I talk to you? It is good manners to be friendly or do politeness and quietness go hand in hand? I find that men are generally more talkative and more inclined to strike up an elevator conversation. Let’s say you want to talk in the elevator, what do you say? Nice weather or come here often? Those are the same pick up lines used every weekend in bars. Another opener is to compliment the person’s shoes or something. Who knows? I was thinking recently maybe I needed some standard elevator conversation starters. A couple of opening lines or questions I could use to be a little more friendly in the elevator. I have also considered just asking those I ride with, do you think it is rude to make conversation in an elevator or is it rude to just pretend like you are not standing beside me? Is it right or wrong to somehow acknowledge there is a living, breathing human standing beside you? In our politically correct society I can’t help but wonder when it comes to the elevator what are the rules to ride?
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