Heylala's Blah, Blah, Blah

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd. No, fly me, fly me, far as pole from pole; Rise Alps between us! and whole oceans roll! Ah, come not, write not, think not once of me, Nor share one pang of all I felt for thee. An excerpt from "Eloisa to Abelard" by Alexander Pope

Friday, April 21, 2006


sin·gu·lar 'si[ng]-gy&-l&r adjective
from singulus only one -- more at SINGLE1 a : of or relating to a separate person or thing : INDIVIDUAL b : of, relating to, or being a word form denoting one person, thing, or instance c : of or relating to a single instance or to something considered by itself2 : distinguished by superiority : EXCEPTIONAL 3 : being out of the ordinary : UNUSUAL synonym see STRANGE

As a 33 year old single woman with no kids and no pets I am a rarity in the world. Most people my age are married with children or divorced with children. At a recent dinner with some girlfriends catching up, all the girls were chatting about their husbands and kids. The only thing I could really add was I’m thinking of selling my house and buying a convertible. They giggled after I said it and gave me the poor little single girl look. I felt like I had to justify my comments. Remember ladies it’s just me, what else should I spend my money on?

Married people are so funny. It’s like once they are married they totally forget about the single experience. One of my married couple friends told me a story about one of their close friends who met somebody off a popular website. They were concerned that their friend had almost become someone else. Their single friend and her new love interest moved in together and things had changed. They were so cute telling the story and being so concerned about their friend. I reminded them of what it is like to be single and alone. Sometimes you don’t always make the best choices. Sometimes you have to take a chance and see where things go. Married people are always so worried about the choices of their naïve single friends.

Just last week I was at a baseball game that my six year old nephew was playing in. As I looked around at all the families I began to wonder about my life. Had I made the right choices? Had I missed out on where I was supposed to be? Shouldn’t I be married with kids by now? Am I behind on my life plan? Is it society that dictates to us 33 year old singles that we aren’t where we are suppose to be? Do I bring more to the table than just talking about my latest shoe purchase or if some guy across the hall is going to ask me to lunch?

My ex use to tell me that people are single by choice. Of course it wasn’t my choice for him to dump me. However, am I single by choice and does choosing to be single make you a selfish person? Is it ok to want to be able to travel, work a job on your own terms or spend your money on shoes and fashion magazines without having to worry about how your every decision would effect someone else? Is it ok to have made different life choices?

I love Sundays at Target. It’s a land full of couples and families. As I walk around the store I wonder how was I allowed in. A single girl. I may have gotten in because I was with my sister and nephews. I think that counts as a family. The other possibility is that I was carrying my Louis Vuitton bag. That’s another thing about Sunday’s at Target, it looks like all the perfectly, pretty people came out to do their shopping at one time. Plus, all the women seem to have expensive purses.

I was recently watching an episode of Sex and the City when Carrie was asked do you like being single. I thought about that question. Do I like being single? Answering that is tricky. If you answer no then you come off as sad and pathetic. If you answer yes you may appear as independent and not wanting anyone in your life. The thing is there are moments I like being single. Other times I don’t. So, was my ex right is being single a choice?