Heylala's Blah, Blah, Blah

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd. No, fly me, fly me, far as pole from pole; Rise Alps between us! and whole oceans roll! Ah, come not, write not, think not once of me, Nor share one pang of all I felt for thee. An excerpt from "Eloisa to Abelard" by Alexander Pope

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Email Addiction

I read an article yesterday that said there is now a 12 step program for email addicts. It gave examples of people who couldn’t pass a computer without checking their email regardless if it was their computer or someone else’s machine. One guy had to check his Blackberry after every hole on the golf course. At that time he was out with a client and it became over the top and almost cost him business. What is it about us humans? What is it that makes us extreme at times? Most of us have some sort of addiction whether any one else knows it or not. Many times they are harmless and don’t hurt anyone. I got to thinking about this specific email addiction. I won’t lie to you I’ve had an email addiction before. I was addicted to the little red icon that said new message. I’d wake up in the middle of the night and just check to see if it was there. It was a total rush. That almost seems silly to me now, but it’s true. I guess at times we all get lonely and knowing that someone is thinking of us some how fills a void. The flip side of being addicted is when the red icon goes away. Figuring out how to move on without it can be a somewhat bitter and painful experience just like the end of any relationship. It can hurt. The whole online community has made it possible to connect with people all over the world. In a few clicks you can see their smiling face, know some of their interests and actually have a written communication. It’s hard to find a true connection to people in the world today. Relationships can be so surface, artificial and forced at times. My whole email addiction was with someone I had known for a long time so I never felt weird about it. As for an email addiction with a stranger, I have a whole other blog I’m saving for that. I guess waiting to get an email has replaced the whole waiting by the phone for someone to call or checking your answering machine. I guess some of us are just hungry for something real and meaningful. The thing is that I actually did learn something from my red icon addiction. I learned that sometimes a relationship even an online one can bring you back to life. I also realized you have to be careful not to get so consumed with having someone fill your cup all the time. You have to be happy with your own self truly. That takes the pressure off the other person. Even though I don’t wake up in the middle of the night any more looking for a message I secretly would have to admit I miss it, yet sometimes you have to move on and realize that you are fabulous regardless if you have a message waiting for you or not.

Faux Mance

Lately I’ve been hearing a lot of talk about a website called secondlife.com. Apparently, you can log on and create a whole fantasy life for yourself. I haven’t logged on and personally toured the site, but it is suppose to be a whole new world which includes its own currency. When I first heard about how popular this website was I thought it was kind of sad that people were so over their own day to day reality that they needed to build a new life in a fantasy world online. That was until recently when I realized I was involved a full blown faux-mance. If you watch reality television you’ve heard of the show-mance. Last year it was the love of the boys when Matthew McConaughey, Lance Armstrong and Jake Gyllenhaal became involved in a three way bro-mance. Now with the growing online community each of us can have our very own faux-mance. I’ve always considered myself a person who only deals in reality and have had little understanding of people that are escapists. Yet, as my real life romances seem to not be working my faux-mance is gaining more appeal. In the past few weeks some of my friends and I have been doing the online dating thing. There have been some success stories but mostly not so successful stories. Just last night one of my friends was out on a first date with a total jerk. He basically ran off without saying goodbye and then had the nerve to email her this morning and say she was a good catch for someone besides him and wanted to know if she had any friends she could set him up with. Some people have nerve. As I thought about it I realized that my faux-mance might be where it’s at. If my current faux relationship was real I would be married with three kids living part time in Florida and part time in New York. I would also have a husband who is absolutely gorgeous with amazing blue eyes and the ability to flatter you with his Italian. He calls me bella. In a word it would be perfect. Did I mention we are going to honeymoon for a month in Italy? My sister asked me recently if I thought my faux husband was cheating with other ladies online. I told her probably so, but since this is not reality I’ll just pretend I’m his only one because it’s not real and it doesn’t matter. The thing is we live in a world with tons of fakes or knock offs. We’ve got fake Coach purses, fake hair color, fake sugar (splenda anyone?) and even fake fat (they still make olestra). Even so called reality television is scripted. It seems like the line between reality and fantasy is becoming more and more blurred. The down side is that sometimes the fantasy fades and you are left with a far less glamorous and no where near perfect reality. Then what do you do? However, the flip side is if it doesn’t work out in my faux-mance it doesn’t hurt like if it was a real break up. As for now all I can say is that I’m having fun and even though the words are real maybe the meaning or truth behind them may not be. I will tell you this for now it makes me smile and that is something I don’t have to fake.

Update-After my faux mance read this blog he got mad and we broke up. I guess reality finally got in the way!

Thursday, February 15, 2007


The day started pretty much as a copy of the prior one. There was a slight difference due to the fact that I got up a little earlier to do some morning shopping at Target. Some days its fun to get an early start and try to find a great bargain, however on this day I left empty handed and a little disappointed. When I arrived at work I found a small crowd of people huddled in the lobby in front of the elevators. There are six of them. Yet, it seems like they only run a couple at a time some days. The longer I stood there the more people began to gather. Finally, word began to spread that there had been a water valve problem on the 12th floor and only one elevator was working because the rest were wet. I’m not a big fan of elevators, but just try to never think about them. Finally, the door opened and a bunch of us packed in like sardines. The people that were coming off the elevator said to be careful because the floor was wet. Once the door closed and we began to move we realized that water was dripping from the ceiling. It was an eerie feeling as the water dripped and dripped. I was happy to finally reach my floor, grab a cup of coffee and settle in at my desk. A couple of hours later my sister called and said they were evacuating her building. Apparently, a business that is located right behind her employer was planning some sort of strike and there were rumors of some bad things happening. All of these things got me to thinking about fear. I began to list in my journal all kinds of fears people have, anything from being afraid of certain animals to public speaking. Some say that fear is just false evidence appearing real, yet sometimes the evidence isn’t false. Sometimes there’s a real threat and it’s staring us right in the face. Then what? Some things are just out of our control. If we really were to consider all the things that we could fear we probably would not go out of the house. I read a quote one time from a little girl that said I’m not afraid of the dark, but afraid of what’s in the dark. I’ve also read that we are born with only two real fears. Apparently by nature we are afraid of loud noises and falling. All other fears are learned.

Sometimes fear moves us forward and makes us act. Other times fear completely freezes us. We get stuck and shut down. If we really believed that we are only really afraid of loud noises and falling and somehow unlearned all our other fears I wonder how many things we would do in life. There is a school of thought that says we should just feel the fear and do it anyway. Is that the best solution? The flip side is what are we missing out on by letting fear hold us back? What if all that we ever really wanted was just on the other side of our fears? Is it really just as simple as confronting our fears? I don’t know if it’s the fact that we fear something in particular or fear the aftermath of things. Maybe the fear is in can I live with the consequences of this if it happens or will I ever be able to recover? We are naturally equipped with a fight or flight response. By instinct we are designed to protect ourselves. If we really relied on that fact does that make us any less afraid?

What if we were to really take on our fears? Psychologists suggest making a list of fears and then release by getting to the root of what is going on. Most of the things we fear never happen anyway, so why waste good energy. I’ll end with giving you a quick list of the things that came to me of what people fear, but what about you, what are you afraid of and do those fears move you forward or do they hold you back?

A short list of fears…People can fear dying, sickness, being alone, love, animals, financial ruin, public speaking, physical harm, natural disasters, falling, success, failure, elevators, heights, flying, loss, making a mistake, ridicule, rejection and the unknown.
Makes you wonder how we ever make it out of the house some days

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Pretty Woman-A Valentine's Day Story

As I stared into the mirror I realized I looked as if I was going into the military. My hair was so short that I almost didn’t recognize myself. I never knew how much of an attachment I had to my hair until radiation and chemotherapy took it from me. “I can’t wait for the day when I can get my eyebrows waxed again. I am going to have them done faithfully and will never complain about it.” As I continued looking in the mirror I decided that maybe I could actually not wear bangs. I always thought I had a huge forehead and needed them, but now that I have had this look for so long I am kind of getting use to the no bangs style. “I hope this is over. I have to be free of this disease this time.” I longed for someone to just hug me. I felt so weak both inside and out. I wondered why I had been left alone to endure this situation. Why were my parents taken from me? Why had I never married? I felt so alone. I had to find something to distract myself from my thoughts. I was so consumed with rage and despair that I almost couldn’t get my breath. I decided to make myself some soup and watch a little TV. As I flipped through the channels all I saw were commercials promoting that special gift for that special someone. “Oh, geez. I almost forgot. It’s that miserable holiday coming up.” I had been so absorbed with just trying to get better that it seemed like that I had moved to another planet. I had skipped over most of the holidays due to being in the hospital or just being in bed at home fighting this thing. It was nice to be able to do some things on my own now. I was slowly regaining my strength and stamina. “How shallow is Valentine’s Day anyway? Does it matter if you have someone to take you to dinner or buy you some cheesy card or flowers? I am just happy to be alive and on my way to better health.” I could feel my heart race the longer I thought about the holiday. I suppose if I were to be completely honest I would have to admit that really I did want the cheesy card and flowers. I just wanted someone to think I was beautiful again.

It was close to 11:00 am when I got up that snowy February 14th morning. Luckily, it was a Saturday and I was able to sleep in. As I stumbled down the hall craving my morning orange juice the phone rang. I had just got out of bed and wasn’t ready to chat with any telemarketers so I decided to let the machine pick it up. “Sandy? Sandy are you up?” The cheerful voice inquired. I decided to pick up after hearing my friend’s voice. “Good morning Trish.” “Hey, did you sleep in this morning?” “Yeah. I guess I needed it.” “What are you doing today?” “Well Trish, I’m not sure. I’ve been up for a total of three minutes now. Let me see, where is my calendar? Oh wait! I do have something. It appears I have a date with Brad Pitt tonight.” Trish laughed. “Well, don’t make any plans because I’m coming over later.” “Ok then. I’ll see you later Trish.”

As the day wore on I felt as if I was on an emotional rollercoaster. Around 4:30 in the afternoon there was a knock at the door. I shuffled over and opened it. To my surprise there was a delivery man at the door with a huge bouquet of red roses. “Delivery for Miss Sandy Morris.” “That’s me. Wow! These are beautiful. Thank you.” “Enjoy miss.” I sat down the vase and looked for the card. They were from Trish. I was overwhelmed that she had thought of me on Valentine’s Day. Then I heard another knock at the door. There on the other side was my friend Trish. “Hey, did you get my surprise?” “Yes, and I love them. How can I ever repay you for thinking of me?” “It was my pleasure Sandy.” Trish began to unload a bag on my kitchen table. “I thought you and I could have a Valentine’s Day party together. I brought over some munchies and candy to celebrate.” “I don’t know what to say Trish. You really have thought of everything.” “Here Sandy take this and put it in the DVD player. I saw the title and it made me think of you.” I took the case in my hand and read the words “Pretty Woman.” I felt my eyes filling with tears. I wondered to myself, how did she know? How did she know exactly what I needed?

Green Eyes-A Valentine's Day Story

I can still picture those green eyes. Her eyes really were windows to her beautiful soul. “I miss her.” I couldn’t believe I was actually saying the words out loud. No one was around to hear them, but me. After 53 years of marriage, three kids and all the ups and downs of my job she was my rock. Maybe saying the words aloud were just for me to hear. I dismissed myself as being silly and decided to go to the grocery to pick up some milk and cereal, a staple meal in my house since she had gone. I know the kids are upset that I still walk to the market, but it’s only two blocks. Yes, I know I am old, but I am still alive and am still fully capable of walking a couple of blocks to the market. Besides, I enjoy the fresh ocean air. Moving south was so important to her. I am glad we did it. We had some good years here, but I always thought I would be the first to leave this world and not her. My mind was flooded with thoughts of my beloved as I entered the store and was greeted with blaring pink, red and white hearts and a giant balloon wishing me a happy Valentine’s Day. My heart sank. The thought of my valentine being gone was almost more than I could bear. I thought I was doing ok with this, that I was handling it. “Mr. Jones, how are you today?” “Good, good, Jack.” I snapped. “And yourself?” “Fine, just trying to keep everything moving along in the store.” “Well, Jack you’re doing a fine job. Keep up the good work.” I felt myself trying to get away from him as fast as I could. I wondered if he could read my mind or see my pain. I tried to get through the store quickly. I had little energy for small talk and smiles today. At every turn of a corner was another reminder of a holiday that I used to enjoy and now was bringing me great sorrow. I couldn’t believe it when I found myself strolling down the Valentine’s Day section of the greeting card aisle. “What am I doing?” I made my way to the checkout and picked a cashier who did not know me so I could make a fast escape out of the store. I took a deep breath as I closed the door to my home. I felt safe again. No pink or red here, just a few pictures and memories of my loss. Yet, for some reason it was comforting to me.

The phone rang and it startled me out of my 10:30 am nap. “Hello.” “Uncle Ben. It’s Jennifer.” “Hey Jen, how are you?” “I’m good. Listen, I was calling to see if you would like to have dinner with me?” “Sure, I would love to. I don’t have a lot on my calendar, but I could work you in between naps.” She giggled. “I was thinking we could go out for Valentine’s Day. What do you think?” I sighed hard trying to decide what to say. I could feel the emotions rising. “You know Jennifer that sounds lovely. I would be honored to go.” “Great! I’ll pick you up at 5:00 and we can get an early bird special somewhere.” “I’ll see you then Jennifer and thanks for calling.”

As we sat at dinner on Valentine’s Day I looked at Jennifer’s beautiful green eyes. They were exactly like her mother’s and her mother’s sister, her aunt, my wife. All I could think to myself was how did she know? How did she know this was exactly what I needed?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Pink & Red Wrapped Holiday

I remember when I was a little girl my dad was not much on the holidays. Yet, every year I could count on there always being a card and a box of candy for Valentine’s Day. I guess my dad was more of a romantic than I ever gave him credit for. I suppose you could say that I am a Valentine’s Day wanna be. I want to believe and love the holiday, but it’s hard to embrace a holiday that celebrates love. If it were only about celebrating love then things would not be that bad. It’s about celebrating the love that one man has for one woman. A declaration of you are the only one for me and I am celebrating that fact with the world today. I know many women who think that Valentine’s day is a bogus holiday. A hallmark invented torture device. The only people that truly benefit from this day are chocolate makers, florists and restaurants. I think if a man doesn’t love you on Feburary 1st then what difference does the 14th make. I was talking to a friend of mine about it recently and she said oh valentine’s day is just a commercial holiday. After she said it I thought I don’t believe you. I think that deep down inside regardless if we want to admit or not all girls want to be somebody’s Valentine. Even being daddy’s valentine would be fine. There’s something strange about this red and pink wrapped day. My eye is drawn to the colors of it and the idea of love. I love the idea of love as I always say, but the reality can be a different story. Really though what woman doesn’t secretly cherish the thought of being someone’s girl. What is it about this holiday that makes you totally question your worth? Are you somehow less significant if you don’t have someone to call your significant other? That’s silly of course not. Every woman knows that. We also know that no matter how cynical, broken or defensive we are we still want Prince Charming to slay the dragon and come get us or in today’s world maybe just a simple Valentine’s Day card will do.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Do you like me? Check yes or no

Remember in grade school those famous notes that would be passed around from boy to girl? You know the ones with the question do you like me check yes or no. These days when it comes to dating things are not so cut and dry. It would probably be much simpler to just try and pass a note, get the true answer and then move forward or move on. I was talking to a friend of mine recently about trying to decide on whether or not to move forward with a particular guy. I went back and forth in my head about what to do. My sister always says to go for the free meal, but I approach things differently. Why bother with the meal if you can’t decide if you want to even have a phone conversation with them? I began wondering if you have to talk yourself into pursuing someone do you really even like them at all? I think back to other guys that I have liked and I have always been sure. No doubts as to whether or not I liked them. No back and forth, no pros and cons, just yes this guy would be worth pursing or no he’s not. I know tons of people that go out on a date because they feel bad if they don’t at least try and make an effort. I am positive that guilt is not an emotion that motivates me to act. I have said many times don’t try to guilt me into doing anything. It doesn’t work. It just irritates me. Sometimes I can be an all or nothing person. I suppose that’s why I believe you shouldn’t have to talk yourself into going out with someone. I had a guy tell me recently he was a big teddy bear. I am not exactly sure why but for some reason that statement bothered me. I thought to myself I already have a teddy bear and currently he’s lying on my bed. Is that what I want really? A teddy bear? The truth is no. I want someone who has some pizzazz. Some spunk. A maverick if you will. Like Carrie once asked in an episode of Sex and the City can a relationship survive without the zsa zsa zu? Some people in life you just spark with. The conversation is easy. The laughter is often. Things are fun. You think that maybe you can overcome all your fears and actually give things a shot and you believe that maybe that can see all your flaws and like you too. Usually if we are hesitant there is a good reason why. However, even when there are no straight forward answers as to why you are unsure sometimes you just have to trust your instinct. The thing is that even though some of us may want teddy bears there are still others of us who would rather have butterflies.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Dating Maze

There’s hardly a month that goes by that I don’t hear from one of my girlfriends who are trying to figure out what is going on with the man that they are dating. The older we get the more it becomes clear that we might be running out of time to have our happily ever after fulfilled. Dating can be exhausting emotionally. I don’t know that it is so much for men, but I think as women we are always trying to figure out what is going on. Yes, I realize that maybe that could be the problem. It is possible that we should just go with the flow, but for how long and why get involved with someone if eventually it’s just going to end badly? I guess we ladies try to figure out anything from does this guy even like me to how many red flags do I ignore before I realize that this is not the guy for me? I very seldom hear of people that are in great relationships. Most of the time when you ask you get the standard answer that things are good or fine or ok. Then sometimes you get the cold, hard truth that things are just not good. I did ask a friend recently how things were going with the guy she was dating and she answered with an enthusiastic “he rocks my world” and this wasn’t a new relationship where they are still in the honey moon stage. I was happy for her and honestly just a tad bit jealous. I wondered what does a great relationship even look like. Would I recognize it if came up and tried to sweep me off my feet? I often question if anybody in a dating relationship is happy? Yet, what are the other options? Why does the thought of being alone seem like a worse option than being in a bad relationship? I did a personality survey once that said I was a lucky person. I could be happy with someone or I could be happy alone. It said I enjoyed my own company. I found that funny and almost even arrogant in a way. Yet, maybe that does make me lucky. It tells me that I don’t have to settle in relationships and it also tells me that dying alone is not the worse thing in the world that could happen to me. Then there are all of my married friends who say how they are so glad they don’t have to date anymore. So, if dating is so bad then why do we continue to put ourselves through this torture? There are no promised happy endings, or rings or white dresses. There may not even be a second phone call. Is dying alone the worst thing in life that can happen? Is having a hundred cats to keep you company in your old age really that bad? If dating makes us feel like a lost, dizzy mouse in one of those mazes then why do we continue to try to find the cheese?

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Perfect Relationships

: 1per·fect Pronunciation: 'p&r-fikt1 a : being entirely without fault or defect : FLAWLESS

I read the following question recently in a book, what does the expression “perfect relationship” mean to you? Everyone knows that on this planet there is no such thing as a perfect relationship between two people. We all, whether we like or not, are flawed creatures. Sometimes I think it is the realization of our own personal flaws that keep us from getting involved in a romantic relationship. The idea in dating is to find someone who can accept you with all of your mistakes, failures and strange or annoying habits. Yet, we live in a culture where imperfection is nipped, tucked, injected with Botox or sent to rehab to fix it. We live in a society that wants to be perfect. The truth is making mistakes and failing is not fun. However, it seems we tend to learn way more from our mistakes than in our victories. So, when it comes to relationships do we come in wanting perfection? We know that when we are in the initial honeymoon stages of dating that we want to come across as wonderful and perfect as we can. Eventually, that stuff fades away and we start to see glimpses of who the other person really is. This can be a scary time. It becomes a time when you start to evaluate the other person and contemplate are their liabilities outweighing their assets. Most of us dating folks probably have a checklist of things we want either written down or in our minds. We also most likely have a deal breakers list too. That list contains the things that would cause a relationship to end. Dating and relating can be an endless task of checks and balances with the hopes of a bright future on the horizon. I think it is wise to ask what does this person bring to the table and what flaws can I live with? Figuring those things out early on can save you a ton of heart break down the road. I have a friend who is trying to work things out with an ex boyfriend who when they broke up had changed his phone number without giving it to her, lied numerous times and then a week after they broke up moved his ex girlfriend and kids back in with him. I wonder how my friend can over look so many obvious break downs in a person’s character. I think for a lot of thirty something women some of us begin to think we have to settle. It’s this or it is nothing and being alone is worse than the anxiety of a bad relationship. The truth is perfection is an illusion. Flaws are inevitable, but settling for something out of fear, hopelessness or even desperation is regrettable. The world is full of all kinds of people. Find someone who loves you flaws and all and someone whose flaws make them even more endearing. Find the person who instead of making you ask can I live with this makes you ask could I live with out them?